Leather shoes maintenance

Well, I think that we may assume that the fresh has finished in the north hemisphere and it's time to change the closet and put away the autumn/winter accessories.

But, how should we storage the leather shoes and boots? Have you ever found that a pair of boots you left in a good state the next winter were totally cracked?

To avoid this you just have to make them a bit of maintenance work.

Leather shoes maintenance

During the winter I use to have my boots in a shoerack, but I keep in a closet the boxes with all the fillers that they brought to maintain the shape.

So when the summer comes, I just have to look for the boxes and start filling the boots with the foam and papers to maintain well the shape, mainly with those tall, that are which deform more (I also do this with the Hunter boots, anyway they are so bulky that is the same to keep the boots than the whole box with the fillers)

caja almacenaje botas

After that, I clean them with a sponge or a dry cloth to take out all the dirt and dust over them and when they're clean and dry, I spread over them horse fat with a cloth rubbing well.

Mantenimiento calzado piel

Once finished, I put them in their respective boxes and storage them, until the next autumn.

And you? Do you use any treatment to preserve your boots?
